a)   Introduce yourself before you start asking questions. Everyday I have to interrupt rude callers to find out whom I am speaking to...most annoying!


b)   If you are making up a name choose something unusual instead of Bob, Steve, or John there are already too many of those make up something unusual and easy to remember ­ for both of you.


c)   Call at a decent time.


d)   If a receptionist answers, let her do her job. She is there to answer your questions and book appointments. Leaving a message for the Mistress probably won't get a response unless she already knows you.


e)   When speaking to a Dominatrix ask if she is seeing new clients, tell her what you want, ask questions about her facility, experience level, her specialties or interests, hours, tribute, etc. However, don't try to press her into saying she does certain things such as golden showers, or dildo training. Those activities are illegal and she may not want to discuss them on the phone or she may deny that she does them. Indicate your interest in those areas and see if she still encourages you to visit her.


f)   Remember that she is assessing you so don't keep her on the phone with repetitive questions or idle chitchat, let her know that you respect and value her time.


g)   Go ahead and tell her your secret desires, even if you feel embarrassed. She has probably heard it all before.


h)   Don't hang up when she answers or call just to hear her voice on the machine ­ she might have caller ID or *69 to call you back, and it will make her angry with you.


i)   Don't make an appointment if she seems overly pushy to book you, it sounds like you won't like her, she is too bossy or disrespectful, or you seem mismatched.


j)   Don't book a time if you can't make it or you aren't really sure (I turn down anyone who sounds the least bit doubtful).


k)   Write down the directions and address including suite number. Note any assignments she gives you and the answers to your questions so that you can review later.


l)   If you can't keep your appointment, call to cancel as soon as possible. She will appreciate it because no-shows cost money if she saves time for you.